Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Liquefied Petroleum Gas Lpg Engineering Essay

Condensed Petroleum Gas Lpg Engineering Essay Condensed Petroleum Gas is a significant wellspring of vitality for many individuals around the globe. LPG comprises mostly of gases at barometrical temperature and weight (propane and butane), which when exposed to unassuming weight or refrigeration can condense. This makes it conceivable to ship and store as fluid in pressurized chambers and compartments, which must be securely and painstakingly dealt with. Definition: Condensed Petroleum Gas (LPG) can be just depicted as hydrocarbons that exist as fumes under encompassing states of temperature and weight, however can be melted by the utilization of moderate weight. At the point when gas is condensed, the volume involved by the fume impressively diminishes, subsequently the fluid framed requires less extra room. The material is accordingly put away and disseminated in the fluid stage in pressurized compartments and frameworks and is at long last permitted to come back to the fume stage at the purpose of possible use. Wellsprings of LPG: LPG as the name recommends, comprises for the most part of a blend of hydrocarbons (Propane and Butane) with a little extent of unsaturates (Propylene and Butylene). These hydrocarbons and unsaturates (LPG) can be created through two principle sources which are: Wet Natural Gas, which comprises completely of soaked hydrocarbons (Propane and Butane) and can be found in oil or gas fields, being expelled as condensable items from petroleum gas and furthermore extricates from unrefined petroleum during the adjustment procedure applied so as to decrease the fume pressure preceding shipment; Refining procedure to evacuate polluting influences like dampness and sulfur mixes (hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans), which may prompt stopping up of valves and consumption. Nonetheless, because of the scentless idea of LPG, ethyl mercaptan which has a novel smell, is added to caution the client of LPG incase a break happens. The result of unrefined petroleum refining fall into three principle classifications: The perpetual gases, Methane and Ethane which stay vaporous paying little mind to pressure, except if refrigerated. Hydrocarbons having at least five carbon particles for each atom. They are fluid or strong at environmental temperature and weight and record for the greater part of the raw petroleum refined. Propane, Butane and Isobutane, along with Propylene, Butylene and Isobutylene have three or four carbon particles for every atom. All have the uncommon property of getting fluid at barometrical temperature if modestly packed and returning to gases when the weight is adequately diminished. C:UsersMr TDesktopIMAG0168.jpg Properties of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Fume Pressure Fume pressure is a proportion of the unpredictability of the gas and where fume exists related to the fluid stage is alluded to as the immersion fume pressure. At the breaking point it is equivalent to environmental weight and increments as the temperature ascends to the basic. Propane with its lower breaking point in this way applies a more noteworthy fume pressure under indistinguishable conditions than butane. Information on the fume weight of a gas is hence basic so as to have the option to determine the structure conditions for the pressurized framework. It is likewise required to empower the gas offtake rates by common vapourization to be determined. In reasonable terms, frameworks are frequently explicitly intended to be appropriate for either butane or propane which in this way blocks a butane framework from being utilized for propane, however empowers the propane framework to be classed as double reason. G:DCIM100MEDIAIMAG0198.jpg Breaking points of LPG The constituent gases found in a business LPG blend all have extremely low breaking points and will in this manner typically exist in the fume stage, under climatic conditions, except if they have been melted or refrigerated. Where the gases are held at a temperature at or underneath their breaking point, the fume weight will be equivalent to or not exactly barometrical. This property has prompted the advancement of enormous scope stockpiling at marine terminals where the item is held in refrigerated structure in what is basically a non-pressurized framework. Above surrounding temperature, the gases apply an expanding fume pressure, along these lines expanding the weight required for liquefaction. This constrain keeps on expanding until the basic temperature is reached, (96.67oC for propane; 152.03oC for n-butane), above which temperature of the gases stop to exist in the fluid stage regardless of whether further weight is applied. Dormant Heat of LPG The dormant warmth of a fluid item is the amount of warmth retained to empower vapourization to happen. In case of fluid LPG being permitted to vapourize normally, the inert warmth required is taken from itself and its quick environmental factors simultaneously, causing a drop in temperature. The procedure is known as auto-refrigeration. Extremely low temperatures can be accomplished with propane under such conditions; thusly so as to keep away from administrators accepting serious virus consumes, defensive dress is required. Explicit Volume, Relative Density LPGs exist as substantial gases roughly 1.5 2.0 occasions the thickness of air in fume stage. They decrease in volume significantly on liquefaction (proportion of gas volume to fluid volume at 15.6oC/1016mbar is 233 for butane and 274 for propane) to exist as an unmistakable fluid which is roughly a large portion of the heaviness of water (Propane 0.50 0.51, Butane 0.57 0.58). It would thus be able to be seen that LPG fumes heavier than air will in general stick to the ground looking to enter channels, channels and other low regions, which could make it require some investment to scatter. Releasing fluid stage LPG will quickly grow to around multiple times its own volume, in this way making a more serious hazard than would happen with a comparative estimated fume spillage. Where temperature conditions grant the presence of free fluid from a spillage, the item will coast on any water present. This regularly happens with butane in freezing conditions and a normal situation would happen during firefighting activities. Coefficient of Cubical Expansion of Liquid Fluid stage LPG grows extensively when its temperature increments. The coefficients of cubical development at 15oC are around 0.0016 per oC for propane and 0.0011 per oC for butane. These qualities are around multiple times the identical for fuel oil, multiple times that for water and multiple times that for steel. This high pace of development must be contemplated while determining the most extreme amount of LPG allowed to be filled into any weight vessel, ie the filling proportion characterized by codes of training for various particular of LPGs under various encompassing conditions. Since the filling proportion safeguards taken to forestall the pressure driven filling of capacity frameworks can't be reached out to the associating fluid stage pipework, these pieces of the framework are ensured by the arrangement of little hydrostatic alleviation valves arranged in all zones where the fluid LPG can be caught between shut valves. Cutoff points of Flammability Vaporous energizes will possibly consume when blended in with air in extents which lie between two all around characterized limits, known as the lower and maximum constraints of combustibility. As far as possible being the littlest amount of burnable gas which, when blended in with a given amount of air (or O2) will bolster self-proliferating fire. A break of 1m3 of condensed propane will create 274m3 of propane fume, which will cause prompt entrainment of air and dynamic weakening of the fixation. At the point when the maximum furthest reaches of 10% is reached, the propane/air blend gets combustible (ie when the propane entrains, 274 10 = 2740m3 of air). The blend possibly becomes combustible when the lower furthest reaches of 2% is reached (ie when the propane entrains 274 50 = 13,700m3) of air. In this way, should a hole of propane happen, the propane/air blend will be combustible and henceforth incredibly hazardous until it has been weakened with more than 13,700m3 air per m3 of propane spillage. Coming up next are the restrictions of combustibility of LPG and some different fills: Gas Lower Limit Maximum Limit Business Propane 2.0 10.0 Business Butane 1.8 9.0 Gaseous petrol 5.0 15.0 Coal Gas 5.0 40.0 C:UsersMr TDesktopIMAG0189.jpg

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Sullivan Surname Meaning and Family History

Sullivan Surname Meaning and Family History The normal Sullivan family name implies peddle looked at or minimal dull peered toward one, got from the Irish sã ºildhubhn, from suil, which means eye and dubh, which means dark. Sullivan is the 92nd most mainstream last name in the United States and the third most regular family name in Ireland. Family name Origin: Irish Exchange Surname Spellings: OSULLIVAN, OSULLIVAN Popular People with the SULLIVAN Surname Arthur Sullivan - nineteenth century British conductor and composerLouis Sullivan-generally considered Americas first present day architectAnne Sullivan - American teacherâ best known for her work with Helen KellerEd Sullivan -   American writer, maker and TV have; most popular for his fruitful assortment program, The Ed Sullivan Show. Where is the SULLIVAN Surname Most Common? The Sullivan family name, as per family name dissemination data from Forebears, is generally predominant in the United States, where it comes in as the 81st most normal last name. There are more people named Sullivan in Ireland, in any case, in view of level of populace. It is likewise genuinely normal in Australia and Wales. Family history Resources for the Surname Sullivan 100 Most Common U.S. Last names Their Meanings: Smith, Johnson, Williams, Jones, Brown... Are you one of the a large number of Americans wearing one of these main 100 normal last names from the 2000 census?Sullivan/OSullivan DNA Project: More than 400 individuals have joined this task for the Sullivan last name (and variations, for example, OSullivan) toâ work together to locate their regular legacy through DNA testing and sharing of information.SULLIVAN Family Genealogy Forum: This free message board is centered around relatives of Sullivan precursors around the globe. Quest the discussion for posts about your Sullivan progenitors, or join the gathering and post your own queries. FamilySearch - SULLIVAN Genealogy: Explore over 4.9 millionâ results from digitizedâ historical records and ancestry connected family trees identified with the Sullivan last name on this free site facilitated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.GeneaNet - Sullivan Records: GeneaNet inc orporates authentic records, family trees, and different assets for people with the Sullivan family name, with a focus on records and families from France and other European nations. Ancestry.com: Sullivan Surname: Explore over 11â million digitized records and database passages, including statistics records, traveler records, military records, land deeds, probates, wills and different records for the Sullivanâ surname on the membership based site, Ancestry.com.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Common App 2017-18 How to Write a Great College Application Essay

Common App 2017-18 How to Write a Great College Application Essay After a year of stability, the Common Application essay prompts have changed again â€" I think for the better â€" based on surveys of 5000 teachers, students, counselors and colleges. This year brings some wording changes and a brand new prompt â€" and an old, previously discarded question that has been brought back to life. Significantly, the now “old” Common App prompts have not changed a lot â€" which makes sense since 90% of survey respondents reported that the prompts already worked well. Ideally, the new ones will work even better. Let’s take a look at the 2017-18 Common App prompts: Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.  This prompt has not changed, and I think that’s a good thing. Many college applicants have some aspect of their lives that’s meaningful and important enough to share with the admissions committee. This question provides a welcome opportunity to do so. The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount an incident or time when you experienced a challenge, setback or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?  â€œObstacles we encounter” and “a challenge, setback or failure” replaced the previous “failures” and “failure.”Ah, this prompt is so much less confronting, and so much more welcoming, to students who do not consider that they have “failed” but certainly have faced challenges in their lives. Not everyone is too evolved to see failure as an opportunity. And why require a failure to give students the opportunity to write about lessons learned? I like this change. Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?“Questioned” was added to “challenged”; “prompted you to act” was replaced with “your thinking”: and “Would you make the same decision again?” was replaced by “What was the outcome?”I like this change because, while few youngsters have gone against the grain in a meaningful way, many of them have had thoughts that go against a belief or idea. The new prompt does not require students to have taken huge risks or to be activists. It just requires them to have opinions. Furthermore, they do not have to answer a yes or no question about whether they would take the same action in the future. Why require students to fortune tell like that? Instead, they can talk about what happened and naturally examine their role in that outcome. Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma-anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution.  This was a completely new prompt two years ago, and it provides an exciting opportunity for students to display their intellectual prowess or emotional intelligence. No changes for next year! Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization, that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others. This is a fairly old prompt with a fresh take. Interestingly, I predicted that it would be deleted or changed significantly last time I wrote about the Common App prompts, as I saw the danger of clichéd answers talking about Bar Mitzvahs and Eagle Scout projects.Here’s what changed: The words “formal or informal” were deleted, and the word “realization” was added. Even more significantly, instead of asking about something that “marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family,” the prompt now asks for students to delve into their own growth and understanding of themselves, their relationships and the world.Both changes reveal admissions committees’ clear preference for introspection and self-understanding. I’ve been saying for years that the committees want to see self-awareness and a focus on personal growth, and this preference could not be clearer than from the changes in this essay question. Describe a topic, idea or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?  This brand new prompt is another opportunity for applicants to explain how their brains work, what makes them tick, and how they explore their intellectual interests. I believe it’s a way for the admissions committee to discover how engaged a student would be in both intellectual and extra-curricular pursuits. It will be a great option for any students with passion and curiosity! Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you’ve already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.  While there was a “topic of your choice” essay question in the past, it did not suggest submitting an essay the student has already written! This choice fascinates and scares me. With the emphasis in all the other questions on sharing so personally, why open things up to essays on Huckleberry Finn? Why give this easy out to students who can just slap an essay into the box that they wrote for an English class? I bet this question in its current form won’t last long.Also interestingly, when the “topic of your choice” question was eliminated, there was very little complaint. But after a couple of years, people want it back. We’ll see what the feedback is in the future. It doesn’t really seem necessary, as the instructions to the Common App encourage students to use the prompts to write about anything they want:“What do y ou want the readers of your application to know about you apart from courses, grades, and test scores? Choose the option that best helps you answer that question and write an essay of no more than 650 words, using the prompt to inspire and structure your response.” As Scott Anderson, Senior Director for Access and Education at The Common Application, points out in The Common App Essay Prompts Are Changing. Here’s Why It Doesn’t Matter, there’s really only one question in the Common App Essay: “Write an essay on a topic of your choice.” The Common App Essay has provided you direction, and your job is to take it and create your story. If your child is applying to college and wants support on writing a great response to the Common Application Essay questions, contact The Essay Expert. Remember, approximately 26% of all college applicants hire an admissions consultant, and your child is in the same pool as they are. You might also enjoy some of my other articles about college essays and admissions.

Friday, May 22, 2020

The Influence of Masculine Gender Roles in The Yellow...

Interpretive Essay on The Yellow Wallpaper The Yellow Wallpaper tells the story of a woman living in the nineteenth century who suffers from postpartum depression. The true meaning implicit in Charlottes story goes beyond a simple psychological speculation. The story consists of a series of cleverly constructed short paragraphs, in which the author illustrates, through the unnamed protagonists experiences, the possible outcome of womens acceptance of mens supposed intellectual superiority. The rigid social norms of the nineteenth century, characterized by oppression and discrimination against women, are supposedly among the causes of the protagonists depression. However, it is her husbands tyrannical attitude what ultimately†¦show more content†¦The events that marked the last decades of the nineteenth century led to important historical changes that resulted in a wide crisis of masculinity. Economic growth and advances in technology attracted immigrants to America and soon less-skilled workers outnumbered the highl y skilled ones. Mens self-making abilities were challenged by two factors: the increased competition, and the growing womens influence in the public arena. In order to fight these pressures and elevate their sense of manhood, the native-born men turned to social Darwinist arguments that relegated blacks, immigrants and women to rungs of the evolutionary ladder below white Anglo-Saxon men (qtd. in Furumota). Mens anxieties further increased with the public emergence of homosexuality in society. For the Middle class men, heterosexuality became a symbol of manhood, and heterosexual men began to define themselves in opposition to anything considered feminine (qtd. in Furumota). These factors constitute what Kimmel defines as the central themes of American manhood at the turn of the century that masculinity was increasingly an act, a form of public display; that men felt themselves on display at virtually all times; and that the intensity of the need for such display was increasing (Furumota). It is within this context that The Yellow Wallpaper takes place: a young America in which man takes risks, is confident, shines in sciences andShow MoreRelated Comparing Jane Eyre and Yellow Wallpaper1650 Words   |  7 PagesSimilarities Between Jane Eyre and Yellow Wallpaper   Ã‚   There are notable similarities between Charlotte Perkins Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper and Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre. These similarities include the treatment of space, the use of a gothic tone with elements of realism, a sense of male superiority, and the mental instability of women. 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Friday, May 8, 2020

Alpha Facts Essay - 3153 Words

1. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. was created to address the low retention rate at Cornell University during the times of Jim Crow Laws. 2. In 2010, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. decided to boycott Arizona and move their 2010 National Convention to Las Vegas, in protest of the recent Arizona law that allows for profiling of potential illegal immigrants. 3. Vertner Woodson Tandy became the first registered black architect in the state of New York. 4. Vertner Woodson Tandy became the first African American to pass the military commissioning examination and was commissioned First Lieutenant in the 15th Infantry of the New York State National Guard. 5. Part of Henry Arthur Calliss life was spent as a medical consultant to†¦show more content†¦28. In 1895, W.E.B Dubois was the first Alpha man as well as African American to receive a PhD from Harvard University. 29. The World Policy Council was created in 1996 to expand Alphas involvement in politics and social and current po licy for global issues. 30. As a tradition a nickname is given to every line based on the personality of the line. According to the Sphinx the title The Naughty Nine, may have been the first known line name. 31. Six out of eight leaders of the National Urban League (NUL) were members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. 32. In 1930, the Theta Lambda Chapter Education Committee presented Brother W.E.B. Dubois at the Wayman AME Church, where over 500 people were in attendance to hear him speak on the The Negros Contribution in American Civilization.. 33. Akinwumi Alo 34. In 1933 Belford Lawson, Jr founded the New Negro Alliance in Washington D.C. to combat white-ran businesses in black neighborhoods that refused to hire African Americans. 35. In the case of Murray v. Pearson of June 25,1935, two member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Thurgood Marshall and Charles Houston challenged bias at The University of Maryland, which had no laws requiring segregation in its colleges. (The case was brought to court by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.) 36. In 1940, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. ended the use of the word Negro withinShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Movie Hundred Dollar Baby 1817 Words   |  8 Pages(233-4). In order for men to seem like real manly fighters today, society pushes the stereotype that they need to constantly be working out in order to like real men such as Rocky and Terminator. The reason the guys promote so much fighting is the fact that their action heroes are the best fighters of all time in the movies and they want to be just like them. In real life, men today work out constantly and may fight to prove their strength. 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Three variables’ coefficient as follows: This measure of reliability is based on 199 target customers which repeatedRead MoreSchool Motivation And Learning Strategies Inventory783 Words   |  4 Pagesthe SMALSI is to assess change over time due to intervention effects, then an estimate of the amount of error that can be expected simply due to the passage of time is critical. Coefficient alpha for the child and teen scales ranged from .69-.91. The lowest estimate was for Writing in the child sample; in fact, for the 8-9-year-olds, this coefficient drops to .60-.64, which raises concern about the consistency of behavior in response to items at this level. The Writing/Research scale overall evidenced

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Save Electricity Free Essays

Keep the door closed. Ever time you open it the temperature drop about 20 degrees (c) 2 Cook several dishes at the one time. If you are cooking small items use the frypan. We will write a custom essay sample on Save Electricity or any similar topic only for you Order Now 3 When cooking small quantities use one sauce pan with dividers. 4 Keep food warm at 70-80 deg(c) Higher temperatures waste electricity and over cook food. 5 Use oven heat for plate warming. 6 Use utensils with flat bottoms and well fitting lids. Make sure they cover hotplates. To cook vegetables the water doesn’t need to be boiling furiously – a gentle simmer is enough. 8 Fan type ovens reduce cooking costs. 9 Use bright clean hotplate reflectors to send the heat upwards where it is wanted. 10 Pressure cookers can save up to 25% of power. 11 Use small appliances eg. griller,crockpot,wok,etc for appropriate foods. 12 Thaw frozen foods before cooking – this saves about 15 minutes cooking per 450 grams (one pound). 13 A microwave is very economical for suitable functions -it is excellent for reconstituting food. 14 Don’t use grill-boiler plate on top of range for utensils not large enough to cover t. 15 Don’t boil water on a hotplate – use an electric kettle. 16 Make sure your oven door seals properly.HEATING AND COOLING. 17 Have the ceiling insulated with at least 50mm of fibrous or foam insulation. 18 In timber framed or brick homes the walls should also be insulated. Block off any chimneys not being used – A lot of heat is lost there. 19 Unless you have full home conditioning close the doors of the room/s being heated or cooled. Doors and windows should fit well because draughts can waste a lot of energy. Close curtains to stop heat escaping. 20 See that air- conditioner filters and condenser coils are kept clean. 1 Reverse cycle air-conditioners provide 2 to 2. 5 times as much heat as an element type heater for the same electricity consumption. 22 Zoning of a house conditioned by a ducted system can cut energy consumption to a half or even third. 23 Shade windows during summer to keep sun of the glass. 24 Don’t leave heating or cooling appliances on when rooms are unoccupied.25 Use personal fans and ceiling fans for relief from hot weather. Fans cost much less to run than air conditioners. 26 Many air- conditioning systems operate at 22 deg (c). You will still be comfortable if you set the control for 24-25 deg (c) in summer and 18-19 deg (c) in inter and you will use a lot less electricity. 27 Leave room conditioner â€Å"fresh air † and â€Å"exhaust air † controls in the closed positions unless you want to freshen thew room air. 28 Set fan at high speed for a room conditioner to work most efficiently. 29 Evaporative coolers are very effective when installed correctly. The operating cost of an evaporative cooler is only a fraction of that of a refrigerated unit. 30 A student can be kept warm with a 150 watt infra red lamp fitted under the desk. 31 Localised under carpet heating gives economical armchair comfort. 32 People heating is more economical than space heating. use radiators multi-heat radiant heaters, wall strip heaters ,fan heaters. 33 Electric blankets are the cheapest form of bedroom heating. REFRIGERATION 34 Select a fridge that uses waste heat for defrosting etc. These fridges are usually cheaper to operate. 35 Buy the size you need extra capacity uses extra power. 36 If you already have a chest or upright freezer buy an â€Å"all though † refrigerator instead of a fridge freezer combination. 37 Defrost before the ice build up is 1 cm thick. 38 Open the door only when necessary. 39 Make sure the door seals well. If a piece of paper will slide easily between the abinet and the door seal is not good enough. 40 Keep dust and fluff brushed off the coils on the back or bottom of the fridge. 41 Put the fridge in a well ventilated position. 42 Place your fridge away from direct sunlight or any source of heat. Don’t put hot food into a fridge or freezer.CLOTHES AND WASHING 43 Don’t buy a large machine if you don’t need it. For the occasional big wash an extra cycle or two is cheaper than under using a large washer. 44 Adjust the water level to economically wash a partial load. Otherwise it is better to wait until you have a full load. But don’t overload your machine. 5 Your washer may have features than can save your money. Soak cycles remove stubborn stains in wash cycle. Suds savers allow you to re use hot water. 46 Use correct type of detergent and cold or tepid water will wash clothes effectively. LIGHTING 47 Good lighting means avoiding glare and gloom by using the right amount of light in the right way. 48 Use light translucent shades- opaque or dark shades require bigger lamps. 49 Use a good local light near the task. It is more effective and more efficient than a large central light. 50 Use fluorescent tubes . they use about a quarter of electricity used by ordinary lobes and they last about eight times as long. They CAN be switched on and off as often as you need without affecting operating cost. CLOTHES DRYING 51 Use solar energy to dry your clothes -it costs nothing. 52 Operate your dryer using the fan alone. Only switch the heater on if it is really necessary. Vent the dryer outside the house and don’t let lint block the vent. 53 never overload or underload the dryer – you get most economical operation with the correct load. 54 Switch off when the clothes are dry enough – over drying makes them feel harsh and waste electricity. 5 Tumble dryers are more effective than cabinet dryers.WATER HEATING 56 Off peak low pressure storage heaters are generally the cheapest overall. 57 Don’t allow dripping taps . Sixty drips a minutes means about 1200 litres a month drown the drain. And you have paid for it to be heated. 58 Water restrictors and low flow shower nozzles will help to save water. 59 Insulate hot water pipes from storage heaters for at least a metre from the heater as heat can be conducted along these pipes and lost to the atmosphere. 60 Install a storage heater of 125 litres or more to run off peak tariff – which is bout half the normal rate. 61 Normally you will use less water for shower than bath. 62 Fill your electric kettle or jug from the cold tap. Running off a lot of cold water from the hot pipes is wasteful and expensive. 63 Don’t have you hot water set too 70 deg (c) is usually hot enough . Otherwise it costs more to heat the water and it loses more heat while being stored. ACCESSORIES 64 Dimmers save power and enable you to obtain pleasant changes of mood in your lighting. 65 Use plug-in timers to control such things as fryingpans,crockpots,riadiators. lights and air conditioners. How to cite Save Electricity, Papers

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

McKenzie Journey Essays (409 words) - Emotions, Hope,

McKenzie Journey 2/20/17 HE 275 Tina Davis Behavior Change Summary In the beginning of health 275, we were asked to make a behavior change and document it for a couple of weeks. A behavior change is a goal you set to change bad habits or to improve your lifestyle and be more healthy. My behavior change was to try and drink more water. Before I started the behavior change, I predicted it to be easy and not too difficult. I knew drinking more water would hopefully make me body feel better and more energized throughout the day. My plan to carry out my behavior change was too always take a water bottle with me to school and work. If I started with remembering to bring a water bottle with me to too places first, I was hoping it would soon became a habit to always have a water bottle everywhere I go. In the results of a just a few weeks in this behavior change, it has definite already changed parts of my life. Drinking more water throughout the day has made me feel healthier, stronger, and full of energy. My body felt clean and I stopped getting a lot of headaches. Even occasionally my body craved water. Drinking sugary drinks now leaves me feeling run down and groggy. Drinking more water has definitely made me feel better about myself and gives me a positive outlook to more healthy eating choices. My plan of action to keep behavior change into a habit is to bring a water bottle with me wherever I go. I have noticed if I am carrying a water bottle I am more inclined to drink it than if I am not. Drinking more water isn't hard but occasionally we just get a craving more soda or lemonade. When cravings like thoughs occur, my goal is to cut of lemon or cucumber and put it in my water to change the taste a little bit. Another plan I have is to remind myself that getting water at a restaurant or grocery store is always cheaper than any alternative, not only are other drinks bad for you but water is the cheapest and healthiest form you can have. Drinking more water may not sound like much, but it has changed my life in just a few short weeks. I feel energized and healthy . It also makes me want to change my eat habits!

Friday, March 20, 2020

Haplology - Definition and Examples in Language

Haplology s in Language Definition A sound change involving the loss of a syllable when its next to a phonetically identical (or similar) syllable. Haplology is a type of dissimilation. Perhaps the best-known example is the reduction of Anglaland in Old English to England in Modern English. The reverse process is known as dittologythe accidental or conventionalized repetition of a syllable. (Dittology also means, more broadly, the double reading or interpretation of any text.) The counterpart of haplology in writing is haplographythe accidental omission of a letter that should be repeated (such as mispell for misspell). The term haplology (from the Greek, simple, single) was coined by American linguist Maurice Bloomfield (American Journal of Philology, 1896). Also Known  As   syllabic syncope Examples and Observations Haplology . . . is the name given to the change in which a repeated sequence of sounds is simplified to a single occurrence. For example, if the word haplology were to undergo haplology (were to be haplologized), it would reduce the sequence lolo to lo, haplology haplogy. Some real examples are:(1) Some varieties of English reduce library to libry [laibri] and probably to probly [prÉ”bli].(2) pacifism pacificism (contrast with mysticism mysticism, where the repeated sequence is not reduced and does not end up as ​mystism).(3) English humbly was humblely in Chaucers time, pronounced with three syllables, but has been reduced to two syllables (only one l) in modern standard English.(Lyle Campbell, Historical Linguistics: An Introduction, 2nd ed. MIT Press, 2004)The words library and necessary, especially as spoken in Southern England, are often heard by foreigners as libry and nessary. But when they repeat the words as such, they do not sound right, since there should be a lengthened r and s, respectively, in those words. It shows that foreigners notice the beginning stages of haplology in those words, when there is as yet no complete haplology.(Yuen Ren Chao, Language and Symbolic Systems. Cambridge University Press, 1968) I have often noted that Americans, in speaking of the familiar Worcestershire sauce, commonly pronounce every syllable and enunciate shire distinctly. In England it is always Woostershr.(H.L. Mencken, The American Language, 2nd ed. Alfred A. Knopf, 1921) Also See What Is the Correct Pronunciation of February?AssimilationDissimilationElision

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Picking the Right Security Certification

Picking the Right Security Certification As the world gets more connected, it also gets less safe. And as more and more information is exchanged via email and websites, and more folks buy stuff online, more data and money is at risk than ever before. That’s why those with technical certifications in security are becoming more and more in demand. But there is a lot to choose from; which one might be right for you? We’ll give an overview of the most popular, and in-demand, security certifications you can get. For this article, we’re going to look at vendor-neutral certifications, which means specialized credentials from security companies like CheckPoint, RSA, and Cisco won’t be included. These certifications teach general security principals  and will have the widest range of usability. CISSP The CISSP, from the International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium, known as (ISC)2, is generally considered the hardest security title to get, and the most well-regarded as well. How hard is it? You’re not even eligible unless you have five years of security-specific experience. It also requires an endorsement by someone who can attest to your experience and qualifications. Even if you pass the exam, you may still be audited. That means (ISC)2 can investigate and make sure you have the experience you claim to have. And after that, you need to recertify every three years. Is it worth it? Most CISSPs would tell you yes  because the CISSP certification is the name hiring managers and others know. It verifies your expertise. As security expert Donald C. Donzal of The Ethical Hacker Network says, many consider the CISSP â€Å"the gold standard of security credentials.† SSCP The baby brother of the CISSP is the Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP), also by (ISC)2. Like the CISSP, it requires passing an exam, and has the same rigorous checks in place, like needing an endorsement and the possibility of being audited. The main difference is your knowledge base is expected to be smaller, and you only need one year of security experience. The test is much easier, as well. Still, the SSCP is a solid first step into your security career  and is backed by (ISC)2. GIAC The other major vendor-neutral certification organization is the SANS Institute, which oversees the Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC) program. GIAC is SANS’ certification arm. The GIAC has multiple levels. The first is the Silver certification, which requires passing a single exam. It has no real-world component, making it of dubious value in the eyes of potential employers. All you really need to do is be able to memorize the material. Above that is Gold certification. This requires writing a technical paper in your area of expertise in addition to passing a test. This adds significantly to the value; the paper will demonstrate an individual’s knowledge of a subject; you can’t fake your way through a technical paper. Finally, the Platinum certification is at the top of the heap. It requires a proctored, two-day lab practical after achieving Gold certification. It’s given only at certain times of year  during a SANS conference. This could be a stumbling block to some certification-seekers, who may not have the time or money to fly to another city to take a lab test over a weekend. If, however, you make it through that process, you’ve proven your skills as a security expert. Although not as well known as the CISSP, a GIAC Platinum credential is certainly impressive. Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) CISM is administered by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA). ISACA is more well known for its CISA certification for IT auditors, but CISM is making a name for itself as well. The CISM has the same experience requirement as the CISSP – five years of security work. Also, like the CISSP, one test must be passed. A difference between the two is that you need to do some continuing education every year. The CISM appears to be as rigorous as the CISSP, and some security pros think it is actually more difficult to get. The reality, though, is that it is still not as well known as the CISSP. That should be expected, however, given that it didn’t exist until 2003. CompTIA Security+ On the lower end of security certifications, CompTIA offers the Security exam. It consists of one 90-minute exam with 100 questions. There is no experience requirement, although CompTIA recommends two or more years of security experience. Security should be considered entry-level only. With no required experience component and a simple, short test, its value is limited. It might open a door for you, but only a crack.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Political science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Political science - Essay Example A country who practices isolationism believes in both of the following approaches: 1. Non-interventionism - Political rulers take decisions of not making alliances with other countries and not to fight against any country except to fight for the self defense. 2. Protectionism - Legal barriers are set to avoid foreign investors and cultural impact on local people. However United States also adopted Isolationism in 18th century by a memorable speech of George Washington in which he said that â€Å"The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible.† His speech was the foundation of Isolationism in United States of America and the country followed this approach for more than 100 hundred years. Before the beginning of World War II, the Crash of 1929 was a big economic set back for American government to re-think about its foreign policy of non-interventionism. Howeve r, the World War II was the major fear for America to drop its isolationism and jumped to help the rest of the world.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Is Genre a useful category for the understanding of films made in Essay

Is Genre a useful category for the understanding of films made in China and Japan - Essay Example A scholar that suggests that there is an American genre would be immediately attacked by his colleagues for oversimplifying an obviously complex, multifaceted gamut of movies. So the question of whether there is a Chinese or Japanese genre of film may be answered in the affirmative if one sees "genre" in merely the audience short-hand manner. If, that is, the audience is American or British. The definition of "genre" in this sense will be "having a preponderance of Chinese or Japanese actors, and in either Mandarin or the Japanese language". This is rather simplistic, and might be regarded as offensive or even racist, but it does reflect one of the most simple definitions of genre. China can be divided between Hong Kong, the mainland controlled by the nominally Communist government and then Taiwan, which represents a whole other development both politically and artistically. So it can be said that a "Chinese genre" is redundant beyond the audience-expectation type of definition. Turning to Japanese cinema, while more culturally homogenous, Japan also presents difficulties for the simple definition. Donald Richie, the leading Western scholar of Japanese cinema, states that many Japanese films indeed have a sense of what he calls "Japaneseness". He describes this as "the celebration of evanescence".4 This evanescence is shown by Japanese film-makers within a paradoxical desire to have their films be temporary rather than permanent. Thus Richie quotes the director Ozu, who stated, "the attractive thing about film is this transience, this mist-like vanishing quality."5 The director Naruse goes even further, suggesting that films should "always vanish a few weeks after release, perhaps this is what films should be, things that live on only in the audience's memory, or vanish into thin air."6 The wish to have their films vanish into thin air is rather ironic for two reasons. First, it counters the traditional advantage that film is said to have over theatre: its permanence as opposed to mutability. Second, in darkly humorous irony, this rather intellectual wish has been granted to the vast majority of Japanese film-makers, whether or not they desired the honor. Thus the majority of Japanese films (more than 90% of pre-WWII movies) have vanished because they did not survive the film chemistry or the war of the time. Even with film production since 1945, a majority of Japanese films now no longer exist and can only be referenced within the memories of actors, writers etc.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Audit of Injuries in Cricket

Audit of Injuries in Cricket An Audit of Injuries in Cricket in Scotland in the 2008 Season Abstract Cricket is a popular sport played and followed by millions around the globe. It is a relatively non contact sport with a low to moderate risk of injury. However, in the last decade, the incidence of injury has been shown to be on the rise. This is possibly due to increase in workload for the modern cricketer. Aim of the study The aim of the study was to audit the prevalence and patterns of injuries in cricket in Scotland over a complete season. A study of this nature has never been undertaken in Scotland. This study will act as pilot study for a long term injury surveillance program in Scottish cricket. Cricket researchers have long been in favour of a ‘world cricket injury surveillance report. This study, we reckon, will contribute to such a report when undertaken. Methods A questionnaire was sent to Cricket Scotland who in turn engaged 150 professional cricket players from the Scottish international team, SNCL Premier League, SNCL division I and division II. Involvement of the team coaches through the initiative of Cricket Scotland was sought to increase the compliance for return of the questionnaire. Results We received feedback from 26 of the 150 players that we approached. The numbers of injuries reported throughout the season were 18. An increased prevalence of injuries was apparent at the start of the season with 27% of all injuries occurring in April. Of all the players, 42% suffered injuries at some point of time during the season. Most of the injuries (66%) occurred in match situations. Acute injuries accounted for 60% of the. As expected, bowling was responsible for 36.84% of injuries while fielding caused 52.36% of injuries. Upper limb injuries contributed to 57.89% of the injuries. Finger injuries in the form of fractures or contusions had a prevalence rate of 15.29%. Lower limb injuries accounted for 31.58% of all injuries with knee and shin stress fracture being more common. Hamstring injuries having prevalence rate 16.67%. During the entire season, there was not a single case of head, neck or face injury. Midsection injuries accounted for 10.53 % of injuries with 5.26% prevalence rate for side or abdominal muscle strain. 35.29% of injuries took more than 6 weeks to heal enough for the player to participate in a match again, while almost half of the injured players took more than 4 weeks to recover from injury. Only 8.33% of international cricketers had access to a medical support team while 75% of players did not have injury advice at all. At the domestic level, medical support as well as provision of sports injury advice was lacking for 100% of players. Likewise, none of the clubs we came across had implemented injury data collection or monitoring program. Discussion The injury patterns and prevalence rates identified showed similarities to previous studies, especially for lower limb and fingers injuries. Bowling and fielding were recognised as major contributors for injury. The time lost due to injury as shown in the study is a concern. It is interesting to note that none of the domestic players had access to medical back up in the form of a doctor or a physiotherapist. Even at the international level only one player had a sports doctor to attend to his injuries. In summary, we identified a need for the provision of medical support to players for helping them to realise their full potential. A national database for cricket injuries within the confines of the Scottish government similar to the ACC or the SMAGG should be implemented. The ICC should look to help full as well as associate members in setting up injury prevention programs. It should allocate funds and provide expertise in the form trained personnel for the same. Appointment of injury statisticians for recording of injury data in every first class, one day or twenty 20 match should be looked at. At the end of every match an injury report should be sent to the team management, the SNCL which in turn will pass it on to the ICC. This collection of data should be anonymised as much as possible to help safeguard players interests. 1. Introduction Cricket is a popular sport played and followed by millions around the globe. It is a relatively non contact sport with a low to moderate risk of injury as compared to sports like hockey or football.1;2 However, in the last decade, the incidence of injury has been shown to be on the rise.3 This is possibly due to increase in workload for the modern cricketer. Intense competition, higher levels of fitness and skills required and increase in the number of matches played throughout the season has resulted in this trend. Furthermore, pressures of international travel and acclimitisation to foreign playing conditions in a matter of days have added to the stress. Although the popularity of cricket is on the rise, worldwide research into injuries has been dismal. The International Cricket Council (ICC), which governs the game, boasts a membership of 104 countries including 10 full, 34 associate and 60 affiliate members. However, most of the statistical data on incidence and prevalence of injuries comes from just four countries, namely, Australia, South Africa, England and the West Indies. Australia was the first country to introduce long term injury surveillance in professional cricket in the summer of 1998-99.2 The Sports Science Medicine Advisory Group (SSMAG) set up by Cricket Australia is responsible for the collection and maintenance of a long term injury database.3 Recently, the English and the South African Boards have set up their own injury surveillance programs. In New Zealand, the Accident Compensation Corporation is responsible for recording all sporting injuries. The rest of the test playing nations, however, along with the associate members of the ICC do not have programs implemented to record cricketing injuries. Although cricket has a vast following in the subcontinent, availability of statistical data regarding injuries is lacking. Similarly, a study of the nature and prevalence of injuries in cricket has never been undertaken in Scotland. In the backdrop of researchers pushing for a ‘world cricket injury report, all test playing and associate member countries should set up injury surveillance programs to identify patterns along with prevalence and incidence of injuries. This would enable comparisons of data across varying sets of playing conditions prevailing in different countries. 2. Injuries in Cricket Although cricket is a non contact sport, injuries are quite common, especially in fast bowlers.4-7 Some instances of death due to cricket have also been documented in literature.8 Importance of Injury Surveillance Long term injury surveillance in sport is the basis for prevention of injuries. Identification of causes with subsequent designing and implementation of interventions forms the ‘sequence of prevention of injuries.9 Surveillance of injuries across nations has however proved to be more difficult than previously thought. Over the years, different studies have sought to define injury in cricket and devise methods for injury surveillance.10-14 However, disparity in the definitions used by different researchers has been a problem in comparing injury rates from across the world. 3;12;15 Orchard et al. defined injury in cricket as â€Å"any injury or medical condition that either (a) prevents a player from being fully available for selection for a major match or (b) during a major match, causes a player to be unable to bat, bowl or keep wickets when required by either the rules or the teams captain† 3;12.whereas,Leary et al. defined injury in cricket as an event which caused a player to seek medical attention.10 Overall Incidence of Injuries Different studies report injury incidence in cricket varying from 2.6 to 333/ 10,000 player hours.1;2;16;17 Of all the Accident and Emergency department presentations in Australia, 8% cases were cricket related injuries, making cricket the 5th commonest injury prone sport in Australia.2 In South Africa, Stretch found that there was an injury incidence per player of 1.6 to 1.91 per season; also 49% of all players get injured sometime throughout a season.13 Leary et. al. in their 10 year study of professional English county cricketers found the acute injury incidence to be 57.4 per 1000 days of cricket.10 Injuries by anatomical site Lower limb injuries are the most common with an incidence of 45% to 49.8% where as trunk (20-32.6%) and upper limb (18.9 to 29 %) were the other sites commonly involved.7;10;13 The tissues mostly involved are muscles and other soft tissues (41.0%), joints (22.2%), tendons (13.2%), and ligaments (6.2%).7 Muscle strains were found to be most common. Of the lower limb injuries, hamstring injuries were reported to be most common by Orchard et al (11% of all injuries).2 Most of these were in the form of muscle strains and tears especially in bowlers and fielders.18 Knee injuries, usually comprise of joint sprains (27.6%), tendonitis (26.5%) and contusions (16.3%).10 Orchard et al reported that knee ligament injuries were uncommon in cricket. An interesting observation was that cricketers were more likely to suffer from knee ligament injuries during the game of football that cricketers play as a form of pre-match warming up or cross training. Groin injuries in bowlers (8% of all injuries in bowlers) and batsmen (9% of all injuries in batsmen) had an overall incidence of 7%. 2 Stress fractures of the tibia, fibula and foot, and ankle sprains occurred mostly in fast bowlers and had a combined incidence of 6% in the study conducted by Orchard et al.2 Upper limb injuries make up 19.8% to 34.1% of all injuries in cricket.2;17;18 Most of these are finger injuries due to ball impact occurring during fielding or batting.1;7;18;19 Contusions account for a major share of finger injuries (40%) while fractures/dislocations (28.9%) and joint sprains (23%) are the other finger injuries commonly encountered.10 Although, most of the finger injuries in cricket have a satisfactory treatment outcome, cricketers report a residual component of occasional pain or minor swelling and / or deformity.19 Most of the wicket keepers have been known to carry finger injuries but rarely report them for the fear of being made to miss the match. Shoulder injuries usually occur in fielders and bowlers while batsmen and wicket keepers are characteristically spared.10;18 Shoulder tendon injuries were reported to comprise of 6% of all injuries by Orchard et al. 2, Supraspinatus tendon was seen to be mostly affected. Incidence of shoulder dislocation or subluxation was shown to be low 1%. Upper limb lacerations or fractures were reported to have a low incidence and occurred mostly in batsmen.2 Side strain occurring on the non dominant arm in bowlers is quite notorious to heal.2 Incidence of side or abdominal muscle strain is 9% of all injuries; 1% of all cricket injuries are side strains due to a stress or traumatic fracture of the rib.2 The overall incidence of back and trunk injuries accounted was 18% to 33% of all injuries.7;16-18 Fast bowlers were found to be at particular risk of developing lower back injury.4;20-24 So much so that Foster et al. and Bell have likened the injuries in fast bowlers to en epidemic.4;25 The incidence for head, neck and face injuries vary from 5% to 25 % usually resulting from impact of the cricket ball causing lacerations or contusions and rarely concussions.1;2;13;16-18 Weightman and Brown reported a quarter of cricket injuries to be concussions due to a ball impact on the head.1 This was probably due to the fact that use of helmets in cricket was not in fashion when the study was conducted. Of the cervical spine injuries, 63.6% were in the form of sprains or strains resulting from batting for long periods of time.7 Jones and Tullo reported an incidence of 9% for eye injuries in sports in the UK.26 Although, eye injuries in cricket are rare, some studies have reported a few cases associated with cricket.27;28 These are usually more severe. Seasonal Variation of injuries Injuries in cricket are shown to occur more at the start of the season and then at the end of the season.7;10 The highest incidence number of injuries mostly muscle, tendon and ligament injuries occur at the start of the season (April-27.3%).10 While injuries like fractures or dislocations occur with the same frequency throughout the season. Stretch reported a similar incidence of higher injuries at the start of the season (32.3%) compared to than mid-season (21.7%) or towards the end (12.5%) or offseason (12.5%).18 Role performed in the team Stretch reported an injury incidence according to activity as follows: bowling (41.3%), fielding and wicket keeping (28.6%), and batting (17.1%).18 A study by Orchard et al, however reports that wicketkeepers had the lowest injury incidence (2%) probably because of minimal sprinting, throwing or bowling.2 Bowlers usually sustained lower limb or back injuries while fielders and wicket keepers usually suffered upper limb (42.9%) or lower limb injuries (40.6%). Batsman on the other hand suffered mainly lower limb injuries (54.4%). Delivery and follow through of the fast bowler (25.6%), overuse (18.3%), and fielding (21.4%) were the main mechanisms of injury.18 Age Incidence Young fast bowlers tend to get injured more often.7;13;14;18 Also the incidence of overuse injuries in cricketers in the age group of 19-24 years tends to be higher than their older counterparts.7 An important observation in a study by Stretch is that all 14 stress fractures occurred in young cricketers with 13 of them due to bowling.7 Chronicity of injury Acute injuries account for 64.8% of all injuries while 16.6% are chronic and 25.4% of the injuries are of acute on chronic nature. Majority of injuries are first time injuries (64.5%) while recurrent injuries from the previous season account for 22.8% of injuries.13 Recovery time of injuries In a study by Stretch, 47.8% of injured players were able to return to play within a week while 28.4% took 3 week. However, 23.8% of the players were not able to train or play matches even more than 3 weeks after the incidence.7 3.0 Methodolgy 3.1 Aim of the Study The aim of the study was to audit the prevalence and patterns of injuries occurring in cricket in Scotland over a complete season. A study of this nature has never been undertaken in Scotland. This study will act as pilot study for a long term injury surveillance program in Scottish cricket. Cricket researchers have long been in favour of a ‘world cricket injury surveillance report. This study, we reckon, will contribute to such a report, if and when it is undertaken. 3.2 Study design The study was a retrospective, questionnaire based study carried out online with the support of Cricket Scotland. The involvement of Cricket Scotland, the national governing body for the sport in Scotland, we hoped, would increase the response rate for the questionnaires and thus the reliability of the audit. We feared that compliance would be an issue. However, we were hopeful that involvement of the club coaches via the governing body for cricket in Scotland would maximise the return rate. The first class structure for cricket in Scotland, Scottish National Cricket League (SNCL) is divided into three levels, the SNCL Premiere League, the SNCL division I and the SNCL division II. Each of these levels consists of 10 teams, playing each other home and away. In addition, there is an under 19s Scottish cricket team. Each of the first class teams plays an extra game with the under 19s, making a total of 19 matches over the season for each team. Cricket Scotland distributed the questionnaire to 150 elite cricketers from the international team as well as those in the three divisions of the SNCL. The audit assessed areas such as nature of injury, body part affected, mechanism of injury, recovery time, etc as well as the provision of medical support at the club (see attached questionnaire). Data was recorded from the feedback received from the questionnaire. Data analysis was done on a prevalence percentage basis and comparisons made with the limited existing studies. 3.3 Ethical Approval Ethical approval for undertaking this study was sought from and granted by the Faculty of Medicine Ethics Committee for Non Clinical Research involving Human Subjects, University of Glasgow, Scotland. 3.4 Subjects The subjects involved in the study were 150 elite cricket players from the Scottish national team and clubs in the top 3 divisions of the Scottish National Cricket league (SNCL). 3.5 Data Analysis Minitab 15.1 was used to carry out statistical analysis whereas Microsoft Excel 2007 was used to provide graphical analysis of the data. Also, for comparison with the existing data, literature searches were carried out using Reference Manager Professional Network Edition 12.0. The databases used were Pubmed and ISI Web of Knowledge for the period of 1970 to 2009 with key words for search being cricket, injury, surveillance, patterns, incidence, and prevalence. The review considered all papers up to May 2009 relevant to definition, incidence, prevalence, causes and prevention of injuries in cricket. 4.0 Results During the study, Cricket Scotland distributed the questionnaires to 150 cricket players from the international team and the three divisions of the SNCL. To improve the response rate, the coaches were instructed get the players to fill in the questionnaires. We received feedback from 26 of the 150 players that we approached. Of these, almost 77% were of current international status with 85% having represented Scotland at some point in their careers. In the SNCL, 73.08% of all players represent the premier division, 19.23% division 1 while only one player each featured in division 2 and domestic matches outside the SNCL. 73% of the players that responded were in the age group of 19-25 while 15.38% were in the under 19 age group of and 12% in the over 24 age group. Batsmen comprised of 35% of players while bowlers and all-rounders formed a major share of 64%. Only one wicketkeeper featured in the study. The percentage of players who appeared in more than 30 matches over the season was 46% while 23% played between 11-30 matches. The numbers of injuries reported throughout the season were 18. An increased prevalence of injuries was apparent at the start of the season with 27% of all injuries occurring in April. This then leveled off as the season progressed. Of all the players, 42% suffered injuries at some point of time during the season. Most of the injuries (66%) occurred in match situations. Acute injuries accounted for 60% of the injuries while acute or gradual recurrence of a previous injury was responsible for 35% of the cases. As expected, bowling was responsible for 36.84% of injuries while fielding (along with catching and throwing) caused 52.36% of injuries with throwing alone was responsible for 10% of all injuries. Regional Distribution of injuries Upper limb injuries contributed to 57.89% of the injuries, with shoulder tendon injury accounting for 27.27% of all upper limb and 15.79% of all injuries. Injuries to the fingers in the form of fractures or contusions had a prevalence rate of 15.29% for all injuries and 27.27% of all upper limb injuries. Lower limb injuries accounted for 31.58% of all injuries with knee and shin stress fracture being more common. Hamstring injuries having prevalence rate 16.67%. During the entire season, there was not a single case of head, neck or face injury. Midsection injuries accounted for 10.53 % of injuries with 5.26% prevalence rate for side or abdominal muscle strain. 35.29% of injuries took more than 6 weeks to heal enough for the player to participate in a match again, while almost half of the injured players took more than 4 weeks to recover from injury. Injury Advice and Surveillance In our analysis we found that only 8.33% of international cricketers had any access to a medical support team in the form of a physiotherapist while 75% of players at did not have injury advice at all. Also, of all the players, only 7.69% had some sort of injury prevention advice at their club. At the domestic level, provision of sports injury advice as well as medical support was lacking for 100% of players. Likewise, none of the clubs have implemented injury data collection or monitoring program. Table I. Type of injuries in the 2008 season Type of Injury International SNCL (domestic) Head / Face Fractures Eyes Other Neck Sprains Other Shoulder Tendon / muscle Dislocation / subluxation Arm / Elbow / Forearm Fracture Other Wrist / Palm Dislocation/Fracture Split webbing Other Fingers Fractures Other Trunk Abd/Side strain Other Back Lumbar stress fracture Other Groin/Hip Ham / Quad Knee Ligament Other Shin /Ankle / Foot Stress fracture Sprains Other 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 1 0 0 0 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 Total 13 5 5.0 Discussion The prevalence of injuries in Scottish cricket players both international and domestic over a season was ascertained in this study. Players in Scotland do not feature in as many matches over a season as players from places like Australia or India. As such, injury rates have not reached alarming proportions but the injury patterns and prevalence rates do show some similarities. The distribution of injuries according to anatomical site is similar to other studies, especially prevalence rate for lower limb fingers injuries. Bowling and fielding were recognised as major contributors for injury. Seasonal variations are also similar to a previous English study.10 The time lost due to injury as shown in the study is a concern. Proper injury prevention advice can help in avoiding injuries (most notable being those due to bowling). It is interesting to note that none of the domestic players had access to medical back up in the form of a doctor or a physiotherapist. Even at the international level only one player had a sports doctor to attend to his injuries. In summary, we identified a need for the provision of medical support to players for helping them to realise their full potential. An injury free player is more likely to perform to the best of his ability ensuring good performance of the team. A successful team in turn can attract sponsors thereby further enhancing the injury aspect of the game. A national database for cricket injuries within the confines of the Scottish government similar to the ACC or the SMAGG should be implemented. The ICC should look to help full as well as associate members in setting up injury prevention programs. The ICC should allocate funds and provide expertise in the form trained personnel for the same. Appointment of injury statisticians for recording of injury data in every first class, one day or twenty 20 match should be looked at. At the end of every match an injury report should be sent to the team management, the SNCL which in turn will pass it on to the ICC. This collection of data should be anonymised as much as possible to help safeguard players interests. 6.0 Methodological Limitations 6.1 Subjects The response we got for the questionnaire was not as good as expected. Unforeseen logistics and strategic problems due to prior commitment of the Scottish international team due to the World twenty 20 Cup and the domestic teams in the being busy in the final stages of the season hampered the feedback from the players. The selection of players from the elite level did serve the purpose of determining injury prevalence at the highest level. However, patterns of injury at the school and junior level need to be identified as well. 6.2 Procedural Since it was a retrospective study, the authenticity of injuries reported form memory by the players can be questioned. Injuries should ideally have been diagnosed and recorded by professional medical personnel like a physiotherapist or a sports doctor. Furthermore, this study looked into injuries over just one season. Having said so, this study can prove to be a pilot project on which future research can be based. 6.3 Statistical and Analytical We calculated prevalence of the different types of injuries. However, the study did not look into the incidence rates of different injuries. The incidence rates along with prevalence rates as done by some previous studies would have been a better reflection of injuries affecting professional cricketers in Scotland. 7.0 Future Research In the future, researchers should ideally look to conduct a prospective study over a number of years to identify the consistent injury patterns. Also, diagnosis and recording of injuries by professional medical staff with maintainence of an nationwide epidemiological injury database should be aimed at. Also, impact of provision medical support staff on improved performance of the players and the team as a whole needs to be looked into. 8.0 Reference List (1) Weightman D, Browne RC. Injuries in Eleven Selected Sports. Br J Sports Med 1975; 9(3):136-141. (2) Orchard J, James T, Alcott E, Carter S, Farhart P. Injuries in Australian cricket at first class level 1995/1996 to 2000/2001. Br J Sports Med 2002; 36(4):270-274. (3) Orchard JW, James T, Portus MR. Injuries to elite male cricketers in Australia over a 10-year period. J Sci Med Sport 2006; 9(6):459-467. (4) Foster D, John D, Elliott B, Ackland T, Fitch K. Back injuries to fast bowlers in cricket: a prospective study. Br J Sports Med 1989; 23(3):150-154. (5) Hardcastle P, Annear P, Foster DH, Chakera TM, McCormick C, Khangure M et al. Spinal abnormalities in young fast bowlers. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1992; 74(3):421-425. (6) Hardcastle PH. Repair of spondylolysis in young fast bowlers. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1993; 75(3):398-402. (7) Stretch RA. Cricket injuries: a longitudinal study of the nature of injuries to South African cricketers. Br J Sports Med 2003; 37(3):250-253. (8) Brasch R. How did sports begin? Sydney: Camberwell: Longman; 1971. (9) Van MW, Hlobil H, Kemper HCG. Incidence Severity Aetiology and Prevention of Sports Injuries A Review of Concepts. Sports Medicine 1992; 14(2):82-99. (10) Leary T, White JA. Acute injury incidence in professional county club cricket players (1985-1995). Br J Sports Med 2000; 34(2):145-147. (11) Mitchell R, Hayen A. Defining a cricket injury. J Sci Med Sport 2005; 8(3):357-358. (12) Orchard J, Newman D, Stretch R, Frost W, Mansingh A, Leipus A. Methods for injury surveillance in international cricket. J Sci Med Sport 2005; 8(1):1-14. (13) Stretch RA. The incidence and nature of injuries in first-league and provincial cricketers. S Afr Med J 1993; 83(5):339-342. (14) Stretch RA. The seasonal incidence and nature of injuries in schoolboy cricketers. S Afr Med J 1995; 85(11):1182-1184. (15) Finch CF, Elliott BC, McGrath AC. Measures to prevent cricket injuries: an overview. Sports Med 1999; 28(4):263-272. (16) Corrigan AB. Cricket injuries. Aust Fam Physician 1984; 13(8):558-9, 562. (17) Crisp T. Cricket: fast bowlers back and throwers shoulder. Practitioner 1989; 233(1469):790-792. (18) Stretch RA. Incidence and nature of epidemiological injuries to elite South African cricket players. S Afr Med J 2001; 91(4):336-339. (19) Belliappa PP, Barton NJ. Hand injuries in cricketers. J Hand Surg Br 1991; 16(2):212-214. (20) Bartlett RM, Stockill NP, Elliott BC, Burnett AF. The biomechanics of fast bowling in mens cricket: a review. J Sports Sci 1996; 14(5):403-424. (21) Bell PA. Spondylolysis in fast bowlers: principles of prevention and a survey of awareness among cricket coaches. Br J Sports Med 1992; 26(4):273-275. (22) Dennis R, Farhart P, Goumas C, Orchard J. Bowling workload and the risk of injury in elite cricket fast bowlers. J Sci Med Sport 2003; 6(3):359-367. (23) Dennis R, Farhart P, Clements M, Ledwidge H. The relationship between fast bowling workload and injury in first-class cricketers: a pilot study. J Sci Med Sport 2004; 7(2):232-236. (24) Engstrom CM, Walker DG. Pars interarticularis stress lesions in the lumbar spine of cricket fast bowlers. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2007; 39(1):28-33. (25) Bell P. Cricket: injury in long trousers. Br J Sports Med 1999; 33(3):151-152. (26) Jones NP, Tullo AB. Severe eye injuries in cricket. Br J Sports Med 1986; 20(4):178-179. (27) Abedin A, Chen HC. An uncommonly serious case of an uncommon sport injury. Br J Sports Med 2005; 39(8):e33. (28) Aburn N. Eye injuries in indoor cricket at Wellington Hospital: a survey January 1987 to June 1989. N Z Med J 1990; 103(898):454-456. Cover Letter for the Questionnaire An Audit of Injuries in Cricket in Scotland in the 2008 Season. With increased participation in cricket in Scotland, sports doctors and physiotherapists have become aware of a corresponding increase in cricket related injuries. Also, researchers worldwide have felt the need for a global injury incidence report to identify risk factors for subsequent designing and implementation of interventions for prevention of injuries. Some data regarding injuries in cricket is available from Australia, South Africa, England and the West Indies. However, epidemiological collection of data of injuries from the rest of the world is dismal, to say the least. In Scotland as well, there has never been any audit of injuries in cricket, time lost due to injuries, implementation of injury prevention program and provision of medical support to players. This audit aims to look at the type and prevalence of injuries that occurred over the 2008 season in cricket in Scotland, allowing an insight into the mechanisms of injury in cricket. We hope that this will assist the development of medical support and injury prevention programmes. This study would also contribute to a ‘World Injury Incidence Report to be undertaken in the near future. This audit is being conducted by the Department of Sport Exercise Medicine, University of Glasgow with the support of Cricket Scotland. We are grateful for your valuable time spent in answering the questionnaire. If you have any questions regarding the study or the questionnaire please do not hesitate to contact either: Questionnaire Do you play international cricket? Yes, Currently Previously No Please indicate the level of domestic cricket that you play in. SNCL Premier SNCL Div 1 SNCL Div 2 Other Does your club provide access to sports injury advice and treatment? Yes No

Friday, January 17, 2020

Women Suceptability To Hiv Health And Social Care Essay

Holy Cross Hospital is a 240 bed degree one infirmary located in the rural Pondoland of Eastern Cape in the old Transkei, South Africa. It serves a population of about 50,000 around Flagstaff, Lusikisiki, Mkambathi and Bizana. There are 153 members of the infirmary staffs. The bulk of the rural people are hapless and as such, diseases associated with poorness are prevailing among the people: TB, malnutrition and HIV/AIDS. The infirmary is divided into different units among them is the HIV Clinic where bulk of patient on the life salvaging ART roll up their medicines. Fig 6: Number of employees at Holy Cross Hospital, Eastern Cape. Management 10, Professionals 56, Clerical 22, Unskilled 65 In the rural community where adult females are the objects of societal force like colza, domestic assault and worst affected by poorness, they can merely be subjugated by the harrying effects of HIV. There are other parts that could be attributed to the prevalence of the disease among the adult females rural inhabitants. Female venereal mutilation although non a bulwark in South African societies, this could non be wholly ruled out in the rural communities where a batch of activities on traveling are underreported due to hapless media coverage. In another scenario, the act of masochism is besides a fuelling factor- a male dominant society.LITERATURE REVIEWIn the planetary, national and local reappraisals of HIV/AIDS incidence and prevalence, it has ever been that adult females are at higher proportion. Even in the events of related decease, adult females are at the greater loss. There must be factors responsible for such properties. In a related comparing, prenatal attendants in Sout h Africa have greater Numberss of the virus than the mean population. Here, the ground is obvious ; to be pregnant meant unprotected sexual intercourse. Different reappraisals of one-year prenatal studies in South Africa as conducted by UNAIDS, AIDS epidemic update, 2009 ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www.unicef.org/factoftheweek/index_53596.html ) the Human Sciences Research Council ( HSCR ) has ever shows a greater per centums than the national HIV/AIDS prevalence. This is besides the same in many other states of the universe. Although, the virus was foremost discovered in 1981 among homosexual work forces in the United States of America, the displacement in the paradigm is a cause for concern. â€Å" This epidemic unluckily remains an epidemic of adult females. † – Michel Sidibe , Executive Director of UNAIDS. â€Å" At the terminal of 2009 it was estimated that out of the 33.3 million grownups world-wide populating with HIV and AIDS, more than half are adult females. It is suggested that 98 per centum of these adult females live in developing states. The AIDS epidemic has had a alone impact on adult females, which has been exacerbated by their function within society and their biological exposure to HIV infection.A Generally adult females are at a greater hazard of heterosexual transmittal of HIV. Biologically adult females are twice more likely to go septic with HIV through unprotected heterosexual intercourse than work forces. In many states adult females are less likely to be able to negociate rubber usage and are more likely to be subjected to non-consensual sex. Additionally, 1000000s of adult females have been indirectly affected by the HIV and AIDS epidemic. Women ‘s childbearing function means that they have to postulate with issues such as mother-to-child transmittal of HIV. The duty of caring for AIDS patients and orphans is besides an issue that has a greater consequence on adult females † ( Avert, 2010 ) 1.State2001 prevalence %2002 prevalence %2003 prevalence %2004 prevalence %2005 prevalence %2006 prevalence %2007 prevalence %KwaZulu-Natal33.536.537.540.739.139.137.4Mpumalanga29.228.632.630.834.832.132.0Free State30.128.830.129.530.331.133.5Gauteng29.831.629.633.132.430.830.3North West25.226.229.926.731.829.029.0Eastern Cape21.723.627.128.029.528.626.0Crocodile river14.515.617.519.321.520.618.5Northern Cape15.915.116.717.618.515.616.1Western Cape8.612.413.115.415.715.112.6National24.826.527.929.530.229.128.0Estimated HIV prevalence among prenatal clinic attendants, by state ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www.avert.org/ safricastats.htmAgeMale prevalence %Female prevalence %2-143.02.015-192.56.720-245.121.125-2915.732.730-3425.829.135-3918.524.840-4419.216.345-496.414.150-5410.410.255-596.27.760+3.51.8Entire7.913.6Estimated HIV prevalence among South Africans, by age and sex, 2008 ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www.avert.org/safricastats.htm ) There are different distinctive features to the epidemic of HIV/AIDS in different societies, but the common features globally are the larger adult females exposure. However in the context of Africa, the prevalent poorness, female gender misdemeanor and the alarming in incidences of colza instances in the rural South Africa, male dominated society, unemployment, and illiteracy are some of the prevailing fortunes increasing the exposure to the virus. In the scientific position, adult females still take greater proportion of PLWHA. The open countries of female venereal piece of land are greater than male and vaginal mucosal are more crumbly which become easy bruised with harsh sex. For every brush of heterosexual intercourse, adult females are at greater hazard of reaching HIV ( WHO, 2010 ) . The same rule besides applies to the spread of sexually transmitted infections. Womans have been known to bear the greater load. Access to information is besides another important factor that is missing among adult females. Many of which are uneducated and as such, the Numberss of adult females in the places of power and authorization are slender. To do informed pick and cognition of bar of HIV/AIDS is rather lacking. â€Å" Lack of instruction and economic security affects 1000000s of adult females and misss, whose literacy degrees are by and large lower than work forces and male childs ‘ . Many adult females, particularly those populating with HIV, lose their places, heritage, ownerships, supports and even their kids when their spouses die. This forces many adult females to follow survival schemes that increase their opportunities of catching and distributing HIV. Educating misss makes them more equipt to do safer sexual determinations † ( WHO, 2010 ) . Crime rate is another spotlight to the spread of HIV/AIDS. This act of force makes adult females to be the objects of onslaughts. In the local communities across South Africa, gender force is prevailing attitude. It was late reported that British twosome tourers were abducted in the rural community of Khayelitstha in Cape Town. The adult female was said to hold been raped and finally killed by the rural goons. The act of this societal force is merely non against the local adult females once more, it has transcended beyond the local communities. The narrative became a planetary sensational narrative. â€Å" A 26-year-old adult male has been charged with commandeering the auto of a British twosome who were honeymooning in Cape Town at the weekend and slaying the bride, constabulary said Wednesday.The adult male from Khayelitsha, the sprawling township on the outskirts of Cape Town where Anni Dewani ‘s organic structure was found, was charged within hours of being taken into cons tabulary detention on Tuesday † ( Afro News 24, 2010 ) . The common local believe in South Africa is that HIV/AIDS is curable by holding sexual intercourse with virgin or person old who has abstain from sex for long clip. This is a remarkable factor announcing the up-surge in the colza instances in the state. Of class the traditional physicians ( Sangoma ) frequently times indoctrinate immature work forces populating with the virus to hold sex with virgin in order to be remedy. Statistically, South Africa has the largest figure of PLWHA worldwide than any other state. And with the local believe, the present state of affairs would hold been expected. Another misnomer is the tradition of adult females submissiveness. A good adult female is rather frequently viewed by the local communities as submissive to her hubby, non oppugning her hubby about his sexual life, ready to give sex anytime without dialogue and must bear many kids. This attitude frequently endangers adult females life and possibly the unborn kids in state of affairs where the adult male of the house engages in coincident multiple sexual partnerships. A recent study in a local community in a South Africa neighboring state, Botswana found that 62 % of work forces have engaged in multiple sexual partnerships in the old three months ( New York State, 2010 ) . This is merely what happens in a state non ill-famed for high incidence of force against adult females. Then, the state of affairs could be far making in the rural South African communities.OPERATIONAL DEFINATIONS AND HYPOTHESISHIV/AIDS prevalence is greater among Womans?HIV as normally known is Human Immunodeficien cy virus while AIDS is the terminal phase of HIV infection. AIDS is Acquired Immune lack Syndrome. In most instances, HIV infection depending on the immune position of the septic persons can quickly come on to AIDS in a year`s clip without medical intercession. However, there were records of people that have lived more than 20 old ages on ART after despite the virus4. The commonest manner of transmittal of the virus in sub-Sahara Africa is through heterosexual intercourse. Prevalence is an epidemiological parametric quantity evaluation the distribution of disease status in a population at a peculiar clip. While incidence focal points on the happening of new form of a disease status. Prevalence encompasses both the new and the bing diseased in a population. In the events of HIV/AIDS, new instances of HIV will be considered as incidence and both the new instances and those that have AIDS are expressed as the prevalence of the disease.Prevalence = entire Numberss of people with disease status A- 100entire figure of the populationThe age of consent for expiration of gestation ( TOP ) in South Africa was one time said to be 12 old ages. However, this has late been reviewed by the Health Professions Council of South Africa ( HPCSA ) ( HPCSA, 2010 ) . Presently, there is no age limitation for TOP. Amongst many other things brewing the ceaseless addition in the figure of adolescent gestation and childhood HIV/AIDS is this reviewed ethical consideration of age of consent for TOP. Therefore, anybody that is 12 old ages old or more and pregnant are considered as female parent and the fable of muliebrity applies. In contrast, the same definition of been a adult female is considered after the age of adolescence ( after 18 old ages ) for non pregnant females. This regulation besides applies for work forces after adolescence. Testing the hypothesis, it a widely believed that HIV/AIDS is a gender related disease status and that the status is at higher prevalence among adult females. There are different statements that could be put frontward to back up this misnomer in the society. For case, HIV/AIDS and STI prevalence is higher among female commercial sex workers. They serve as reservoir of infection in the community. This form could be acceptable as different people sleep with workers whose HIV and STI position are non verified. This may account for a greater incidence among adult females. However, it is merely a handful Numberss of adult females that engages in commercial sexual activities and this can non be generalised for all. Cultural patterns are the ways of people which has been over clip been accepted as norm in the society. Africans have several norms and patterns that are assisting to fuel the spread of HIV/AIDS. But are at that place any cultural believe that make HIV/AIDS adult females heritage? Polygamy and multiple sexual partnerships are accepted among many African civilizations. Work force are frequently seen as the dominant factors in most African societies and the strength of his domination is frequently designated by how many adult females he could hold sex with. The work forces are even sometimes adored with particular fears: holding multiple sexual spouses as the nature of work forces, they need to hold frequent sex as to maintain tantrum and healthy and multiple sexual partnerships denote suppressing adult females. Are these defects in our modern society? Another ground ascribed to adult females higher HIV/AIDS prevalence? In the aftermath of HIV/AIDS pandemic, the usage of barrier method of HIV bar was among the initial intercessions to control the spread of HIV. Male rubbers were so introduced and later the female rubbers. It is known facts that have been proved over times that condoms prevent HIV spread efficaciously. However, to utilize rubber in each sexual brush is non a exclusive duty, collaborative attempts is needed. In the society where adult females are already subdued by the social norms, regulations and ordinances, negociating sex with rubber is regarded as act of insubordination. Consistent and right usage of rubbers for adult females in heterosexual relationships is frequently compromised. Dry sex is another common demand of local African work forces from adult females. They claim that it gives work forces intense sexual satisfactions. Womans whose venereal mucosal are easy bruised are the object of mark for HIV and STI. In the most of these concerns laid above, adult females are at the disadvantage. The survey below looks at the epidemic among adult females, prenatal attendants and work forces in the rural Pondoland.RESEARCH QUESTIONSaˆ? What is the prevalence of HIV/AIDS among adult females and work forces measuring Holy Cross Hospital, Eastern Cape for medical intervention? aˆ? HIV/AIDS is more prevailing among adult females than work forces? aˆ? For the Antenatal attendants, do they hold higher HIV prevalence than other two groups as depicted in the South African prenatal HIV prevalence? aˆ? What are the cause ( s ) of higher HIV/AIDS among adult females in the rural Pondoland?Analysis OF HIV/AIDSWomans are the critical nutriment of our communities, yet most vulnerable to HIV/AIDS. This needs an pressing intercession. The disease status has all its tentacles in all facet of life of both rural and urban South African inhabitants. It has crippled many family of beginning of support and as such many rural fatherlands are being headed by kids. This is the coupled factor to increased Numberss of orphan kids in Pondoland.Purpose OF THE STUDYThe causal relationships of the virus and higher prevalence among adult females are critically reviewed with the purpose of find precise and curious intercession schemes in the rural Pondoland. Although most rural African communities do hold common antiquity, the schemes conveying relieve from HIV/AIDS epidemic may be expressed to each community. This is an effort to concentrate on such schemes.Importance OF THE RESEARCH STUDYIn the world, we do non cognize precisely how many people that are populating with HIV/AIDS in South Africa. The national and prenatal prevalence are extrapolations and tax write-offs. This study will be a study to cognize how many of Holy Cross Hospital grownup patients live with virus. The causes of such septic grownups and the necessary intercession to control the spread of the virus.THE RESEACH METHODOLOGY ( HIV/AIDS prevalence is greater among adult females? A infirmary based survey )The design of the survey will be randomised prospective survey of adult females, Antenatal attendants and work forces measuring Holy Cross Hospital, Eastern Cape, South Africa for medical interventions. The research is traveling to be questionnaires based with translator available to interpret and explicate inquiries to the participants in the survey. The translator will be chosen among the infirmary volunteered nurse for the interest of uniformity of linguistic communication interlingual rendition and c onsequence result. It is known fact that many of the grownup members of Pondoland rural community are non huge with usage of English linguistic communication. The point distribution of the questionnaires will be at the outpatient section, exigency unit and at the antenatal clinic which takes topographic point every Thursdays. These are the first points of contact for any patient measuring the infirmary for the first clip. The survey will be conducted over the initial period of 1 ( one ) twelvemonth from January boulder clay December 2011. The mark figure of the participants will be capped as 500. There will be three groups of the participants: ( 1 ) adult females go toing outpatient and exigency sections for medical intervention, ( 2 ) work forces go toing outpatient and exigency sections for medical intervention and ( 3 ) adult females go toing prenatal clinic. The age group that will be included are adult females and work forces between 18-65 old ages old and pregnant adult females more age 12. As the survey is divided into three groups and to be conducted in three infirmary section, the form of questionnaires distribution will be stratified. The first four months of 2011 ( January till April ) , both the principal research worker ( for my portion ) and the helper, we will merely concentrate on patient go toing exigency unit, May till August 2011 in the outpatient section and September through December in the prenatal unit. The method of everyday attack will be that at every contact with the participants, the research aims and concentrate will be explained and the voluntaries are selected based on age standards will be tested for HIV. For every participant, voluntary guidance and proving for HIV will be conducted by the principal research worker and written consent will be documented for every participant. Note, all information will be treated with confidential and consequence of the research will non be linked to the participants. A rapid showing HIV proving kit for HIV 1 and 2 ( ELISA 1 and 2 ) will be used throughout the survey. Every consequence will be read after 30 proceedingss. For those proving positive for HIV, they will be offered medical aid for farther research lab trials ( CD4 counts, viral tonss, full blood counts and liver map trial ) and necessary medical intervention. Each participant will be allowed sufficient clip to make full in the questionnaires but should be return before go forth ing the infirmary premises. The construction of the inquiries will be in different subdivisions with the initial portion turn toing the demographic informations, cognition about HIV/AIDS, behavioral hazard factors for HIV/AIDS, measuring hazard of societal force and preventative scheme for HIV/AIDS. The inside informations of the questionnaire are as follows:Demographic DataAge: ( a ) 12 – 25 old ages ( B ) 26 – 35 old ages ( degree Celsius ) 36 – 45 old ages ( vitamin D ) 46 – 55 old ages ( vitamin E ) 56 – 65years ( degree Fahrenheit ) more than 65 old ages Gender: ( a ) Male ( B ) Female Occupation: ( a ) non-skilled worker ( B ) semi-skilled worker ( degree Celsius ) skilled worker ( vitamin D ) immigrant worker Marital Status: ( a ) Single ( B ) life partnership ( degree Celsius ) Married ( vitamin D ) Divorced Religion: ( a ) Christian ( B ) Muslim ( degree Celsius ) Traditional Race: ( a ) Black ( B ) White ( degree Celsius ) Coloured ( vitamin D ) Indian Monthly Income: ( a ) Roentgen 500.00 – Roentgen 3000.00 ( B ) Roentgen 3001.00 – Roentgen 10, 000.00 ( degree Celsius ) R 10,001.00 – Roentgen 20, 000.00 ( vitamin D ) greater than R 20, 000. 00 ( vitamin E ) unemployedKnowledge about HIV/AIDS1. HIV is the abbreviation of Human Immunodeficiecy Virus Y N D2. Sexual activity intercourse with multiple sexual spouses increases the hazard of geting HIVY N D3. Transfusion of unscreened HIV infected blood can take to HIV infection Y N D4. sharing nutrient with AIDS patient can take to HIV infection Y N D5. venereal diseases are risk factors for HIV infection Y N D6. Terbium is an illustration of timeserving infection Y N D7. HIV infected individual should non unwrap his/her position because of stigma Y N D8. HIV/AIDS is a godly penalty for unfaithfulness Y N D9. PLWHA should non be employed because they are underproductive and weakY N D10. HIV is passed on by sneezing, manus shingle, caressing, and kiping togetherY N D 11. HIV/AIDS is entirely big disease and the young person should non be concerned.Y N D12. HIV bar instruction should merely be a precedence in schools and collegesY N DAdapted from: ( hypertext transfer protocol: //unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0012/001270/127076eo.pdf ) Y = Yes, N = No, D = Do n't cognize, FBO = Faith Based Organisations, PLWHA = People Living with HIV/AIDSBehavioural Risk Factors for HIV/AIDSMake you smoke coffin nail, if yes, how many per twenty-four hours? Make you imbibe alcohol? If yes, how many bottles per twenty-four hours? Do you hold more than one sexual spouse? If yes how many? Has any of your sexual spouse ( s ) been treated for STI in the past three months? Make you cognize sexual spouse ( s ) HIV position? If yes, what is it? Are you in polygamous relationship? Have you been sexually been abused by your spouse or mistreat your sexual spouse in the past three months? What is your sentiment about dry sex? Have you portion needle and endovenous drug with your friend before? If yes when was it? Make you prosecute or patronize commercial sex workers? If employed, does your occupation maintain you off from your place more than two hebdomads or more? Are you or your male spouse circumcised?Measuring hazard of societal forceHave you of all time been sexually abused by opposite gender? Have you been sexually abused by your spouse ( s ) or abused your sexual spouse in the past three months? If yes, when was the first maltreatment? And how terrible was it? Does your spouse have fire arm? And if yes, does he/she endanger to kill you before? Have you of all time sustain any signifier of physical or emotional harm from spouse force? Does your spouse respects your sentiment if you are non in the temper of holding sex? How can you depict the last three sexual brushs with your spouse ( s ) ? Make you cognize if your spouse has been reported as violent to any other individual? Is your spouse of all time been arrested by constabulary for societal force or drink-driving? Does your spouse have job with choler direction?Measuring Preventive Strategies of HIV/AIDSWhich HIV/AIDS bar schemes do you cognize? Make you see utilizing HIV bar if you are non certain of the HIV position of your spouse? If your spouse is HIV positive, will you see utilizing rubber during intercourse? If yes, why? Make you utilize any signifier of HIV preventative step during your last three sexual intercourse? If yes, which one or province them. If condom explosion during sex, what is the immediate measure you should take? If employed, what are the schemes in topographic point of your work guaranting bar of HIV? What is your sentiment about male Circumcision and HIV bar? If HIV and pregnant, will you take ART to forestall HIV transmittal to the unborn babe? What option ( s ) are available for HIV positive spouses to forestall transmittal of HIV to unborn babe? Have you been treated for genital disease in the past three months? What is the nexus between genital disease and HIV?POPULATION SAMPLING AND RESULT ANALYSESWhat inform the entire sampling population is the immense figure the infirmary serves, 50,000. 1 % of that is tantamount of 500. Although this is a little figure in associating to the entire population measuring the infirmary, but associating to the chief research worker and the helper, it is tremendous. That is why the survey would hold been conducted throughout a twelvemonth period. The purpose of the age distribution chosen was to affect grownups entirely in the survey ; nevertheless, adolescent gestation is a rampart happening in South African communities. That is why pregnant adult females from age 12 are portion of the proposed survey. There are five constituents of the questionnaire and three groups of participants involved in the survey, the consequences will obtained individually for each group and interpreted utilizing Microsoft excel. The usage of Chi square trial will be employed the hypothesis – Hiv is higher among adult females than work forces.Expected RESULTS FROM THE STUDYThe survey is expected to conform to the present form of the virus epidemic in South Africa. â€Å" HIV/AIDS is more prevailing among female grownups under the age of 40 in about all age groups. Approximately 4 in every 5 people with HIV/AIDS aged 20-24 are adult females, and merely one tierce of people with HIV/AIDS aged 25-29 are work forces. Although prevalence is higher among adult females in general, merely 1 in every 6 HIV/AIDS infected people with multiple sex spouses are adult females † ( Wikipedia, 2010 ) . Although some divergences are expected, could these be peculiar to the rural Pondoland community? South Afri ca adult females who have been disempowered revealed the high degree of colza and domestic maltreatment, a societal misnomer brewing the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the state ( Avert, 2010 ) . The National HIV and Syphilis Antenatal Sero-prevalence Survey, 2005 and 2007, the per centum of pregnant adult females with HIV per twelvemonth was as follows ( Wikipedia, 2010 ) :Year:1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008Percentage:0.7 1.7 2.2 4.0 7.6 10.4 14.2 17.0 22.8 22.4 24.5 24.8 26.5 27.9 29.5 30.2 29.1 28.0 These one-year studies of HIV among the pregnant adult females are higher than the national prevalence of 10.8 % , though the incidence is higher among adult females 13.3 % than in work forces 8.2 % ( HSCR, 2005 ) . The same result is besides envisaged as above. Possibly there are disparities, they will be noted and a farther study may be needed.EXPECTED CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE STUDY TO THE HOSPITALSouth Africa higher HIV/AIDS national statistic is higher than any other state, that is what has geared the exceeding authorities attempts in other to undertake the disease tendency. The robust attempts of the authorities are the largest HIV/AIDS strategy in the universe ( All Africa.com, 2010 ) . The tendency of the disease needed to be known exactly in Pondoland. The result of the survey could be presented to the regional wellness authorization for amendment of HIV/AIDS authorities intercession at the infirmary. Critical reappraisals of different diaries have shown that HIV/AIDS has unprecedented rise among adult females ( UNICEF, 2009 ) , the result of the survey is expected to be in conformance. However, if the consequences show greater proportions of adult females than expected, it could spell a readjustment in the infirmary planning scheme to turn to direction of HIV/AIDS among adult females. The local untypical causes of rise in HIV/AIDS will be known if there is any. The illation will be surmised from the response of adult females proving positive for HIV in the survey. Therefore local epidemiological form of HIV in Pondoland will be verified. The result of this survey could name for more survey in HIV/AIDS and other local endemic disease in the infirmary. A rural infirmary where academic research is seldom conducted, this will be an oculus opener. It will be a beginning of inspiration particularly for the freshly graduated medical physicians and druggists in the infirmary set abouting their rural community service.DecisionFor effectual intercession to come into drama in the direction of the increased HIV/AIDS disparities among adult females and work forces, the specific factors responsible have to be outlined and schemes to battle these could be sourced. In the aftermath of HIV/AIDS in the 80s, the epidemic was rather rampart among homosexual in the USA and equal intercessions were ensued as reflected in the state HIV/AIDS statistics. Africa needed to larn from this. The basic nutriment of any community is the valued lives of the household members. Womans who are the beginning of generational continuity are in hazard in our society. Didactic and pressing attack should be instituted in the rural and all African communities to halt the harness effects of HIV/AIDS. Prevention of Mother-to-Child HIV transmittal, handiness of free rubbers in public establishments, adult females empowerment and wellness instruction should parts of focus authorities and NGO agendas to readdress HIV/AIDS epidemic in Africa.